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Welcome to Chai Cycle! 

Chai Cycle a Jewish community whose members find meaning and experience Jewish community through bicycling and text study.


If you like Jewish text, ideas, and stimulating conversation, this is the cycling community for you! 


"I came for the ride, I come back for the conversation."

   - Judith A.

Coffee & Conversation Rides

Twice/month on Sunday mornings, we meet at 8:45 and ride by 9:00. We ride as a group to a park or a coffeehouse (about an hour out) to get know one another. At our rest stop, we have a conversation about a Jewish topic. It could be the Torah portion, or we might explore a topic that is relevant to the moment. After the break, folks either ride back to the car with me, or go for a longer distance on their own. No prior knowledge or Hebrew necessary.

More Rides!

Cruise & Schmooze:  Want to go for a ride and just talk?  Email Rabbi Jamie to arrange a mutually agreed up location and distance.


Building the World We Want to Come:  Chai Cycle is committed to building a better world. We regularly participate in the AidsLifecycle, Waves to Wine, and other rides that combine tikkun olam (repairing the world) and cycling.  If you are riding something like this, let us know and we may join you!

Rabbi Jamie Hyams

Rabbi Jamie Hyams is the founder of Chai Cycle. A lifelong cyclist, Rabbi Jamie builds Jewish community on the open road. When she isn’t on her bike, Rabbi Jamie works for Hebrew Free Loan and serves as the rabbi for the Mother Lode Jewish Community in the Gold Country. She is a CLI (Clergy Leadership Incubator) fellow which is helping her to create Chai Cycle. Rabbi Jamie is a Reconstructionist rabbi and a member of OHALAH, the Association of Rabbis for Jewish Renewal. 


Jamie Hyams, President

Pam Maycroft, Treasurer

Rachel Fish, Secretary

Noah Alper, Membership​​

Lori Drourr, Ride Master

Diana Zankowsky,

   Non-Rider Outreach

Chai Cycle is a registered non-profit.  Our EIN is 99-3462808 and all donations are tax-deductible.

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